If you're having trouble with the Get Help app on Windows 11 or 10, here are some solutions that can help you get it working again.
Following these solutions should help you resolve issues with the Get Help app in Windows 11/10. Each solution addresses different potential causes, ensuring that you have a comprehensive set of troubleshooting methods to restore functionality to the Get Help app.
How Can I Fix "Get Help App Not Working" in Windows 11/10?
1. Restart Get Help
- Right-click the Windows logo button on the taskbar and select Task Manager.
- In the Task Manager window, find and right-click the Get Help app from the list of running processes.
- Select End task.
- Re-open the Get Help app to see if it now works properly.
2. Repair or Reset the Get Help app
- Press Windows + I to open Settings, go to Apps from the navigation pane, and click Installed apps.
- Locate Get Help, click on the ellipsis next to it, and select Advanced options.
- Click the Repair button and check for improvements.
- If that doesn’t work, click on Reset.
- Again, click Reset in the confirmation prompt to eliminate any common issues with Get Help.
3. Restart the Diagnostic Policy Service
- Type Services in the Windows search box and click the Services app from the results.
- In the Services window, scroll down to find Diagnostic Policy Service.
- Right-click Diagnostic Policy Service and select Restart.
4. Reinstall the Get Help App
- Press Windows + X and select Apps and Features.
- Find and click on Get Help in the list of installed apps.
- Click Uninstall and confirm.
- Open Microsoft Store, search for Get Help, and click the Get button to reinstall it.
5. Reset Proxy Settings
- Press Windows + I to open the Settings app.
- Select Network & Internet.
- Click on Proxy in the left sidebar.
- Ensure all proxy settings are set to their default values (none selected).
6. Use the Get Help App Through the Taskbar Search
- Click on the search icon or box on your taskbar.
- Type Get Help and press Enter.
- Open the Get Help app from the search results.
7. Use the Get Started App
- Click on the search icon or box on your taskbar.
- Type Get Started, then press Enter.
- Open the Get Started app from the search results.
- Follow the step-by-step tutorials provided in the app.
8. Use the Tips App
- Click on the search icon or box on your taskbar.
- Type Tips and press Enter.
- Open the Tips app from the search results.
- Browse through the categories for helpful tips.
9. Visit Microsoft Support Website
- Open your web browser and go to support.microsoft.com.
- Use the search bar to find help topics related to your issue.
- Explore the categories and follow the steps provided.
10. Contact Microsoft Support
- Open the Get Help app as described earlier.
- Type your issue into the search box and press Enter.
- If the app doesn’t resolve your issue, select Contact Support at the bottom of the screen.
- Choose to chat with a support agent or schedule a phone call.
Following these solutions should help you resolve issues with the Get Help app in Windows 11/10. Each solution addresses different potential causes, ensuring that you have a comprehensive set of troubleshooting methods to restore functionality to the Get Help app.