Resolve 'Msie' Undefined Error on Windows 11 Quickly

Resolve 'Msie' Undefined Error on Windows 11 Quickly

This guide will help you resolve the common "Unable to get property 'msie' of undefined or null reference" error in JavaScript. This error typically occurs due to changes in the jQuery library where certain properties, such as $.browser.msie, have been removed.

How Can I Fix "Unable to Get Property 'msie' of Undefined or Null Reference" JavaScript Error?​

1. Use jQuery Migrate Plugin​

  1. Download jQuery Migrate Plugin:
  2. Include jQuery Migrate Plugin:
Including the jQuery Migrate plugin restores deprecated features and behaviors, allowing older code to run properly on newer versions of jQuery.

2. Update jQuery and jQuery UI​

  1. Update jQuery:
  2. Update jQuery UI:
  3. Include Updated jQuery and jQuery UI:
    • Replace your old jQuery and jQuery UI script references with the newly downloaded files in your HTML:<script src="path/to/your/jquery.js"></script>
      <script src="path/to/your/jquery-ui.js"></script>
Updating jQuery and jQuery UI ensures you have the latest features and fixes, which can resolve compatibility issues with modern browsers.

3. Use jQuery.browser Plugin​

  1. Download jQuery.browser Plugin:
  2. Include jQuery.browser Plugin:
    • Add the following script tag to include the jQuery.browser plugin:<script src="path/to/jquery.browser.js"></script>
Using the jQuery.browser plugin restores the $.browser object, allowing your code to correctly identify the browser.

4. Add a Fallback for Undefined Property​

  1. Modify the Code to Include a Fallback:
    • Locate the code that accesses a.browser.msie.
    • Add a fallback to ensure it doesn’t throw an error:return a.browser && a.browser.msie ?
      (b = Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollWidth, document.body.scrollWidth),
      c = Math.max(document.documentElement.offsetWidth, document.body.offsetWidth),
      b < c ? a(window).width() + "px" : b + "px") :
      a(document).width() + "px";
This modification ensures that the code checks if a.browser is defined before trying to access its msie property, preventing the error.

5. Use Custom Code as a Last Resort​

  1. Implement Custom Code to Define jQuery.browser:
    • If the above solutions don’t work or aren’t feasible, you can define the jQuery.browser object manually:jQuery.browser = {};
      (function () {
      jQuery.browser.msie = false;
      jQuery.browser.version = 0;
      if (navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE ([0-9]+)\./)) {
      jQuery.browser.msie = true;
      jQuery.browser.version = RegExp.$1;

This custom code ensures that the jQuery.browser object is always defined, preventing the error from occurring.

By following these solutions, you can resolve the "Unable to get property 'msie' of undefined or null reference" error and ensure your code runs smoothly across all browsers.
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