Before you bet all your personal data on "The Cloud", you should do some research on it.
It's not really a "Cloud" you know? It's another computer data center somewhere, connected via the internet, probably on this planet. (But there is no guarantee of that)
But where? Do you know? And who is in control of it? All questions I'd want to know before I'd trust them with my Solitaire game scores. I'm sorry, but I'm just not that gullible. Maybe even a little bit paranoid.
I've been involved in data protection since way before Windows, and good data protection practices have changed very little since then. Only the media we use to store our data, has changed. Where we used to backup our data to floppy disks, we now use External HD's or USB Flash Drives.
But in my own case, I keep my data files close to home. I want to keep it where I can see it, touch it, and protect it.
And all my data is separate and protected from prying eyes. NO Clouds, NO off site data centers, and no internet connection required.
I actually have multiple backups of all my data files. With careful data management, I can keep all my data files on one 128GB Flash Drive.
If you loose your internet connection, you also loose access to your data. Worse than a hard drive crash!!
Stay out of the clouds, and stay safe!
Cheers Mate,