ASRock Z790-PRO-RS

Bill Shannon

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2023
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I have a ASRock MB Z790 Pro Rs and recentlythe harddrives started dropping out and I found the power wire to the fan on the gigabyte n14180 card (gv-r477ud-1gi) was broken fixed it but card still produced an error soI replaced the card with a card that didn't require the power supply connected to run fans. It runs great now but is very slow to bood to graphics card and bios choices then from there its a bit quicker to windows 11 does anyone know of a grapgics card that would be faster loading without the requirement for external power from power supply?

Bill Shannon

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2023
Reaction score
I have a ASRock MB Z790 Pro Rs and recentlythe harddrives started dropping out and I found the power wire to the fan on the gigabyte n14180 card (gv-r477ud-1gi) was broken fixed it but card still produced an error soI replaced the card with a card that didn't require the power supply connected to run fans. It runs great now but is very slow to bood to graphics card and bios choices then from there its a bit quicker to windows 11 does anyone know of a grapgics card that would be faster loading without the requirement for external power from power supply?
Found I/o Error in a HDD had to remove two and replace them computer is working well now and I have formatted the offensive drives and now they seem to work ok no errors in the mobile rack (sata) any opinions as to the i/o errors could have been fixed by simple format or will they fall over again should I try to use them. They are segate drives I got seagate as 20 years ago they were the best now they seem like the worst I have 6HDD's in my puter they were all segate at the start now I only have one seagate left in my computer.


Bill Shannon

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2023
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B1 Initalizelibrary failed - this I have found tonight is in the Bios the Advanced / security or protection / has a number of protections for your computer eg anything not microsoft basicly except for edge as their sharing code with google and firefox. This some how being turned on has done damage to my files I have been using for 24 years in my spreadsheets I use for household manangment. It's NOT a RUNTIME error so don't mess with your runtime like I did the next firefox browser update should fix my issues with firefox that is left from incorrect switches being turned on in the bios. For me this is 75% cured now and I got a new notebook out of it as I needed a realiable computer for mananging NDIS for my disabled partner. Alsi few days ago i turned on 256 switches and that helped also.


Bill Shannon

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2023
Reaction score
B1 Initalizelibrary failed - this I have found tonight is in the Bios the Advanced / security or protection / has a number of protections for your computer eg anything not microsoft basicly except for edge as their sharing code with google and firefox. This some how being turned on has done damage to my files I have been using for 24 years in my spreadsheets I use for household manangment. It's NOT a RUNTIME error so don't mess with your runtime like I did the next firefox browser update should fix my issues with firefox that is left from incorrect switches being turned on in the bios. For me this is 75% cured now and I got a new notebook out of it as I needed a realiable computer for mananging NDIS for my disabled partner. Alsi few days ago i turned on 256 switches and that helped also.
My PSU was also upgraded from 500w to 750w and seems to not struggle as much as before. So elec bill will increase a bit.


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