Can't sign in while offline, despite being connected to the internet


Nov 26, 2021
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I recently moved and have been incredibly busy. My PIN used to change every 90 days, and I've forgotten it. Despite trying to use the "Forget my PIN" option, it wasn't working for me. Even though I'm connected to my new WiFi, I suspected it might be because I'm on a different network. So, I followed the steps to rename my ngc file in hopes of using my password instead.
Now, it's not prompting me for my PIN anymore, but it's still insisting that I must be connected to the internet. I AM CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET. Please Help!!


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2023
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You can be connected to the Wi-Fi/Wireless Router but not have a connection to the Internet. A password is needed to connect a computer to the Router. The other connection to the Router is Ethernet cable and a password doesn't have to be set.

Most times the ISP connects to the Modem by a type of cable, could be Ethernet or co-ax such as used by TV or landline/phone line. Mine is different, called Wireless DSL, modem connected via PoE [Power over Ethernet] cable to an antenna on the building aimed at antenna on a hill some distance away.

The setup is usually a computer connected to a Router which is connected to a Modem which gives the Internet access. The Modem is provided by the ISP/Internet Service Provider and frequently is combined with the Router [mine are separate devices, I own the Router but not the Modem].


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