My first experience with Chrome is when I found it on clients PC's, and it appeared to be trying to take over the PC.
I would ask my client "do you use Chrome?" and they would reply "what's that?". That was my first clue, that something terribly wrong was going on.
They didn't ask for it, or install it, or even know what it was. So I'd UN-Install it, clean up their PC and depart.
To me, Chrome was no better than a Virus, sneaking into someone's PC and trying to just take over.
So I treated it just like I would a Virus! DELETE! DELETE! DELETE!
And I don't care a lot for the Google search engine either. Everything you look at on the internet, every place you go, and everything you do, becomes a permanent part of Google's database on you. And they don't keep it a secret!
When I first discovered that, I went searthing for some SAFE Search Engine, that would not record everything I did on the internet. I found what I was looking for, in "". It's a FREE, SAFE and Confidential Search Engine. It works equally well in Firefox and Edge.