I wanted to use the two different desktops in one computer
IF and that's a big if, as I'm not certain at all about my understanding of the issue....
You are talking about multiple "virtual desktops" facilitated through the use of the Task View feature then yes....
They are "linked" as you say, in so much as they begin as duplicates of the C:\Users\YourUserName\Desktop folder
You do not get a second such folder through the use of a second or multiple virtual desktops, so....
The contents of that folder can be and is influenced by the addition or subtraction of items you choose to add or delete or move about.
The actual function of the Virtual Desktop feature is to enhance productivity in that they allow you to have multiple programs opened on one desktop and multiple OTHER programs opened on the second.
Some folks find it pretty handy
On "Desktop 1" open a browser (snap it to the left), open your mail program (snap it to the right)
On "Desktop 2" open MS Word (snap it to the left), open MS Excel (snap it to the right)
Voilà I'm Mr. Productive.