Malware Removed from External Storage, but Files Are Missing

May 8, 2024
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Hi everyone,

If you’ve removed malware from an external storage device but can’t see your files, here's what might have happened. Malware often creates a new folder, moves your files into it, and leaves a shortcut that looks like your external drive. Clicking this shortcut would execute the malware.

To resolve this, follow these steps:

1. Update and scan: Ensure your anti-malware software is up to date and scan your external storage again.
2. Show hidden files: Open File Explorer Options, go to the View tab, and select ""Show hidden files, folders, and drives."" Uncheck ""Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)"" and confirm the warning.
3. Find and move files: Look for a new, oddly named folder. Your missing files should be inside. Cut and paste them back to the main folder of your external storage.
4. Delete shortcuts: Delete any shortcut files that look like the USB drive icon.
5. Hide hidden files again: Go back to File Explorer Options, select ""Don't show hidden files, folders, and drives,"" and check ""Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)."" Click OK.

This should restore your files to the main directory.

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