PC cleaners


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Nov 5, 2022
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Using two pc cleaners. Now if I clean with CCleaner, it cleans the lot, but after, if use Wise Disk cleaner, it finds exactly the same thing to clean again. Are these cleaners snake oil?...I use firefox which cleans it's self after shut down, but they both still find the same cache cookies I've just cleaned, how is it possible.
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The Shadow 2023

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Jan 22, 2023
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PC Cleaning is a subject well cussed and discussed over the years, and it seems like every user had their favorite "Cleaner". And then there are those who just don't CLEAN at all. I guess Ignorance is Bliss! Eh? At least till their PC just grinds to a halt!

But after 40+ years in the computer business, and having tried every cleaning program that's come down the pike, I finally gave up on all those so-called "Cleaners" and I wrote my own. I would NEVER use either of the two programs that you mentioned.

I went through my Windows HD and discovered every place that junk files like to hide. Then I put every one of those locations in a Batch File. Then I added a file counter, both before and after the cleaning process, so I could see just how many junk files were deleted. And I get a report displayed on my screen.
Cleanup 1-8-24.jpg And, that was just one days collection of junk.
If I don't forget, I run my little batch file every night, before I shut down the PC for the day. And, before I do my weekly backup of C:.
I've found that a Clean machine is a Happy Machine! And, keeping all the junk out of my Backups is very beneficial too!

Cheers Mate!

Shadow :cool:


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2022
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But would your computer grind to an halt?..Most of what cleaners find are trace, meaning something gone i presume.
There's no way a cleaner can find cache and stuff, once it's been deleted in the browser.

The Shadow 2023

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2023
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How did you write it?.
In DOS batch Language.
I've been writing DOS batch files since 1983.

here's the first few lines:

@Echo off
Echo: Disk Cleanup now starting. Please Wait!
Del /F /S /Q C:\*.tmp
Del /F /S /Q C:\*.old
Del /F /S /Q C:\*.log
Del /F /S /Q C:\*.bak
Echo Del Firefox Temporary Internet Files
del /F /S /Q "C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*.*"
Echo Del Edge Temporary Internet Files
del /F /S /Q "C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Cache\*.*"

There is More, that I don't wish to post here and now.

TM :cool:
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The Shadow 2023

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2023
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But would your computer grind to an halt?..Most of what cleaners find are trace, meaning something gone i presume.
There's no way a cleaner can find cache and stuff, once it's been deleted in the browser.
I'd venture a guess that very few people are adept enough at running a browser to program it to delete all its TIF's.
They DO NOT come pre-programmed to do that.
Truth be known, most users are totally unaware of the garbage building up on their PC. That is, till it has to go into a PC shop for repair.

I used to be the one who got the Service Call, "my PC is running so slow, I can't get anything done".
I wish I would have had my current Cleanup.bat program back then. That would have saved me countless hours of work.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2022
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Well, congratulations on doing that. I don't believe the cleaners I've used today and in the past, really do anything but try and scare into buying their product. Because whichever I've used find exactly the same junk as the one before, meaning, if I clean with one and then the other, the same junk is there. If I miss a day you'd think it would pile up, but it doesn't.

The Shadow 2023

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2023
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I won't mention the brand, but at least one so called "Cleaner" would claim thousands of problems, but would only fix one of them unless you BOUGHT the program. Can you say, "SCAM"?

As I've said so many times before, my program is FREE to anyone who asks for it. NO phony claims, no bait and switch. My favorite saying is, "Minus crud is cool!" And it will show every file that is removed, and those that are open and cannot be removed. And at the end, it shows exactly how many files it DID remove.
I gave my Cleanup program to one local business man,and he told me I was a fool, for not charging for it. Nah, that's just not me.
But he liked it, and he said he would run it every day. I do that, but I doubt that he will. :lol:

Cheers Mates,
Shadow :cool:


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2022
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The cleaners are a con to say the least..Using a browser and closing it will show 20mb of firefox app data, if you don't clean it and go the internet again and then back to the cleaner, it will show you exactly the same. So in theory, any of the cleaners are not worth using.

The Shadow 2023

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2023
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After cleaning up literally Hundreds of PC's, struggling under years accumulation of Garbage, I've gotten pretty good at PC Cleanup.



Well-known member
Nov 5, 2022
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Maybe with your own, but my post was about the ones that have been around awhile, such as Wise and Ccleaner. They either guess or make it up.


New member
Oct 1, 2024
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I won't mention the brand, but at least one so called "Cleaner" would claim thousands of problems, but would only fix one of them unless you BOUGHT the program. Can you say, "SCAM"?

As I've said so many times before, my program is FREE to anyone who asks for it. NO phony claims, no bait and switch. My favorite saying is, "Minus crud is cool!" And it will show every file that is removed, and those that are open and cannot be removed. And at the end, it shows exactly how many files it DID remove.
I gave my Cleanup program to one local business man,and he told me I was a fool, for not charging for it. Nah, that's just not me.
But he liked it, and he said he would run it every day. I do that, but I doubt that he will. :lol:

Cheers Mates,
Shadow :cool:
Hi Shadow. Is it still possible to get a copy of your cleaner? I would enjoy having one that really works. Let me know. Thank You. Rod

The Shadow 2023

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2023
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Welcome, New Member!

I could post it here, but I don't want to HiJack someone elses thread.

Send me a PM (personal message) with your email address and I'll mail it to you,

Shadow :cool:

The Shadow 2023

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2023
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Because of all the hype over CCleaner, I tried it, several years ago now, and it totally made my OS NON Bootable. DEAD!
I used a Ghost Restore to get back up and running again.

Thinking that had to be a fluke, I tried CCleaner again, several months later. Same result. It left my OS effectively DEAD.
Again I had to call on a Ghost Backup to Restore my PC.

So forgive me if I seem to be Over ReActive in regards to CCleaner. But, Twice Burned, Thrice Shy.
It's now on my list of "Never More!" programs.

Shadow :cool:


New member
Oct 1, 2024
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Welcome, New Member!

I could post it here, but I don't want to HiJack someone elses thread.

Send me a PM (personal message) with your email address and I'll mail it to you,

Shadow :cool:
Thank You Clicked on your name and gave email address below other member. Thank You.

The Shadow 2023

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2023
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But, you didn't send me a PM (Personal Message). I have NO message from you.
I've been waiting to hear from you.

It's like writing me a letter. Introduce yourself, and tell me what you need. Then include your email address, so I can send you the batch file.

Shadow :cool: