Teams - How to increase the font size?


New member
Jul 17, 2024
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I'm not a fan of Teams at all - the interface feels needlessly cluttered and skips important features (Contacts should have its own section, not be buried within another). Unlike Skype, where I never missed any messages i constantly miss messages in Teams. The themes are also dim and washed out (the min/max/close icons in the upper right corner are hard to see compared to other programs).

For these reasons, I keep Teams on my laptop's monitor instead of one of my larger external monitors. However, when I do this, the font size in Teams is too small to read messages comfortably.

How can I increase the font size in Teams to make words readable without changing the size on my main screens? I’ve been struggling with this since Windows 11 was installed last year. Is it possible to have different resolutions on different screens? Thank you.

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