In 40+ years of doing repair work, in the field, on all sorts of mechanical and electrical machinery, I've never had a "Can of air".
In 99% of locations, you could not use a "Can of air". That just blows dirt everywhere!
I only use compressed air to blow the dust bunnies out of my computers, when I can take the PC outside to my shop, where I have an outside work bench, in reach of the air hose from my Air Compressor, in my shop.
Then, I have to be very careful to never hit the blades of a fan with compressed air, making them turn. A compressed air stream hitting a fan blade can make it turn way faster than it was ever designed to turn, and can even make the blades fly off of the fan. (Please, don't ask me how I know that!)
So, if you're going to use compressed air to blow the dust bunnies out of your CPU cooler, use something to prevent the fan from turning while you blow it out with air.
An alternative cleaning method I've used for years, whether in an office or someone's home, is: A vacuum cleaner, with a hose and crevice tool, and a cleaning brush. Loosen the dirt with the brush and vac it out with the crevice tool right next to the brush. Works great for Keyboards, because compressed air can blow dirt down deeper into the switches.
So, bring a dirty PC to me and I will use the vacuum cleaner and brush, if it's raining, or night time. But if it's a nice day, out to my work shop it goes. Keyboards always get the vac cleaner treatment. That's just the safest!
Cheers Mates!